Bay Carbon, Inc.

DC Arc Direct Analysis

The Prodigy DC Arc is state-of-the-art DC Arc spectrometer that offers many advantages over all of its predecessors. 


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The DC Arc technique has been relied upon for decades as a tool for the direct analysis of a wide range of solid materials. The earliest systems, many of which are still in use today, were photographic plate spectrographs. These systems offered the advantage of providing a permanent photographic record a samples spectrum, but also carried with it the cumbersome need to view and interpret photographic plates. These early generation instruments were replaced, first by PMT-based simultaneous spectrometers and then CID based DC Arc spectrometers, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. 

DC Arc Source
The Prodigy DC Arc stand is a significant improvement over the original “Spex” stand that was used in earlier DC Arc instruments. This user-friendly arc stand incorporates a counter electrode that simply rotates out of the way to facilitate installation of new sample electrodes and then rotates back into position for the next sample. 

This arc stand also features a current-stabilized power supply for enhanced stability. A Stallwood Jet is available for reduction of CN band emission when needed. 

The Echelle Optical System
The polychromator used in Prodigy DC Arc is the same long focal-length Echelle spectrometer used in the Prodigy ICP product line. This spectrometer provides the DC Arc user with analytical capabilities which have never before been available to this community. To see capabilities of this Echelle Optical System, please click on the Key Features Tab.

The Prodigy DC Arc will enhance materials testing capabilities for many labs by providing low detection limits and fast turn-around times for a virtually unlimited number of elements in even the most challenging sample matrices. 

Why Choose DC Arc for Elemental Analysis?

Eliminates Sample Digestions
While techniques such as AA or ICP work well for liquid samples, some matrices can be nearly impossible to get into solution. This is the case for certain ceramics as well as for materials like graphite. For other samples, such as high purity copper and certain precious metals, the digestion needed to get the solid into solution, can dilute the sample beyond the detection limits obtainable with these techniques. Digestion steps also carry with them the possibility of contamination of the acids and vessels used for the digestion process. 

The Prodigy DC Arc can analyze directly, powders, wires and chips in their native form without the need to digest or dilute the sample. 

Provides Low Limits of Detection 
Because the Prodigy DC Arc does not require digestion or dilution of the sample, detection limits are very low for most analytes in most sample matrices. Typical detection limits are less than 1 ppm in the solid. 

Provides Fast Qualitative and Semi-Quantitative Analysis
Prodigy DC Arc is an excellent choice for sample screening because of its fast analysis time (under 1 minute per sample) and minimal sample preparation. Prodigy’s advanced Full Spectrum Acquisition mode of data acquisition, allows the user to capture a permanent record of the full DC Arc spectrum for future reference. 

Capture Full Spectrum, Perform Elemental Fingerprinting
Prodigy’s advanced Full Spectrum Acquisition mode of data acquisition, allows the user to capture a permanent record of the full DC Arc spectrum for future reference. It also allows the user the ability to subtract spectra from one another – an extremely powerful qualitative analysis tool. Imagine being able to subtract a standard reference spectrum of the product that you are trying to QC from every new lot produced and seeing any new contaminates jump right off the screen for you to view. 

Call For a Quote:

(989) 686-8090


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